YA Bound Book Tours is organizing a Blog Tour for: The Mermaid and the Treasure of the Bay
(La Sirena #1) by A. Algeri. This tour will run from June 27th to July 1st.
The Mermaid and the Treasure of the Bay
(La Sirena #1)
(La Sirena #1)
by A. Algeri
Date: 08/20/15
from Goodreads:
"The Mermaid
and the treasure of the Bay" is the first adventure of Brinn, a young
woman who had recently returned to her homeland, Nyar Kaad, after years of
being away.
For her mother and sister it’s only supposed to be an episodic stay, because their intention is to return to the capital, Adaria, held by both aristocrats, by then, to be their home. Brinn, however, isn’t interested in living in the golden cage of high society and aspires to a different existence, that will push her to oppose the decisions of her family and to pursue a destiny according to her own wishes.
The accidental discovery of what looks like a map to hidden treasure, buried in Nyar Kaad, according to tradition, by pirates once dwelling in the settlement, will push her to search for the hidden riches- an undertaking that the protagonist will face courageously, at the cost of challenging her fears, the rigid social conventions, and more literal dangers to her person, venturing on a journey into the local legends and the past of her own family, until reaching an unexpected epilogue.
Set to Isara, a fantasy world inspired by the period between the seventeenth and the first decades of the nineteenth centuries, "The Mermaid and the treasure of the Bay" is a journey full of mystery in the universe where real and supernatural coexist intersecting in a subtle and insidious way, a world divided between palaces and largely unexplored expanses, an opulent capital and boundless oceans.

now: ebook kindle or paperback
About the Author:
Algeri is the author of "The Mermaid and the treasure of the Bay",
his first published novel. He began writing while he was a teenager, setting
most of his stories in the world of Isara, a fantasy universe of his own
Author Links:
Excerpts from “The Mermaid
and the treasure of the Bay”, a novel by A. Algeri
summer was ending and with it even my hopes grew progressively paler, as the
white froth of the waves dissolves on the shores of the sea. Time passed, day
after day, initially slower, then as each day passed the perception of it
slipping away became increasingly more evident: inevitably, I found myself
thinking of my childhood, when my family still hadn't moved to Adaria, the
capital of the Empire.
wished that every day was like the ones before, going back to my childhood;
outwardly it was as if nothing had changed: in those hopelessly far away years,
in the morning after dressing as fast as possible, I ran to my parents to ask
my father to take me on a long walk on the beach and then to dive into the weak
but deep blue-green warm waters of the bay.
the passing of time, for my mother it how much I liked living in Nyar Kaad had
become intolerable, the place were my family came from, even if we were, at
least in part, remotely originally descended from the north of the Empire. I
loved the place where I was born so much that I was never able to consider our
house in the far away capital where moved in the following years, as my home. I
harbored wonderful memories from my childhood of long happy years, as can only
exist in memories.
the summer couldn't last forever: by the time I was a young girl, my parents
had announced our imminent departure from Nyar Kaad to move to the capital. Mom
had started talking to me about the important people we would have to meet once
we reached Adaria, of the balls and the numerous events that were obligatory
for whoever wanted to become part of high society and maybe, if we met the
right people, how we might be able to be received at court.
At the time I was too little
to fully comprehend the social implications of these events and I associated
them only with those evenings in which my parents didn't stay home and my
sister Jennifer and I would be left with the nanny, excluding those rare
occasions when we
to go with mom while she and her various friends and acquaintances would talk
for hours about predictable and uninteresting topics. I, along with the
occasional, and according to me, unfortunate children, was forced to pass
entire afternoons sitting on a sofa without practically opening my mouth.
never wanted to leave Nyar Kaad, but my departure never depended on my consent:
one rainy day at the end of the summer, when the social season of the small
town had been concluded with the ending of the vacations of the rich settlers
of the nearby Narim, our departure for Adaria was decided upon and we
abandoned, that at the time I believed was forever, the white beaches of the
province of Salaara. For a young girl even a few months can seem like an
eternity and our return to our hometown at the time no longer seemed possible.
remember painfully abandoning the Dawn's Light, our estate, the following trip
and when, at the moment of disembarkation going down the gangplank that connected
the ship to the dock, I found the cold autumn of the northern regions, waiting
with its freezing grip ready to enclose my heart, revealing to me a nature that
had become a mirror of how I felt in my soul. A cold that whispered to me about
how I had been separated possibly forever from the sun and the green waters of
the Nahanshe sea, whose voice, as if far away, still called me. “Brinn”, it
repeated, as if it was saying my name.
Each day I waited for the much
desired return to the ocean shores, whose call you could
scarcely whispered along the shores of the Nalach: only the seagulls, that I
glimpsed sometimes in the hottest days of the brief northern summer, told me of
the far away estuary where large river flowed into the sea.
repeated to myself that I wanted to see again one day the shores of the
Nahanshe Sea and when that moment arrived that I wouldn't leave again: I kept
waiting for that day in the depths of my heart without letting anything
undermine this certainty or suffocate this dream.
return to the ocean shores was a wish that remained unchanged in me despite the
natural succession of the years: I always refused to bury my dreams underneath
my immediate needs, believed by other necessary or set them aside after giving
up, coming to consider them impossible. I would never have accepted discovering
one day that all my aspirations had been extinguished by an existence lost in a
myriad of empty mundane gestures after being forced to turn down a path able to
deaden forever the light that had illuminated my heart and to be destined to a
dusty series of days one identical to the other. At that point I would have
only been able to realize how much time had passed and what I had given up; I
would have only been aware of an unfulfilled happiness in a past relegated to a
far off time.
I wasn't willing to accept a
similar future: returning to Nyar Kaad had always been my dream, jealously
hidden in me, that I could see every time I closed my eyes- immobile and
perfect, a moment frozen in the eternal and inconstant waves of time; the house
on the sea,
the very white sand, the waves that died on the shoreline, the breeze blowing
off the sea every morning. And yet, as with every wish no matter how much I
wished to go back to the bay and the ocean and hear its voice again with all my
heart, this dream seemed to me, or least I believed so, destined to never
life was far from perfect, I had an unusual character and my nature wasn't
easily adaptable to the life that ought to have been lead by someone of our
status that was forced to aspire to court, but for years I had been able to carve out my happiness. Even though I
wasn't particularly interested in the girls my age that talked about future
boyfriends, parties and dresses, I could always close my eyes and imagine that
I was in one of those far away places that I was so fascinated by and that I
had read about so often in books.
the many remote places that I had learned about the existence of by reading,
the most precious continued always to be Nyar Kaad. My thoughts inevitably went
to the aquamarine ocean waves on the shores where I was born.
Blog Tour Schedule:
June 27:
History from a Woman's Perspective - http://www.historywomanperspective.com/
- Review
3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, &, Sissy, Too! - http://3partnersinshopping.blogspot.com – Review
Literary Musings – www.literarymusing.weebly.com - Promo
3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, &, Sissy, Too! - http://3partnersinshopping.blogspot.com – Review
Literary Musings – www.literarymusing.weebly.com - Promo
June 28:
3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, &, Sissy, Too! - http://3partnersinshopping.blogspot.com
– Promo
The Recipe Fairy - http://recipe-fairy.weebly.com/
- Review
Zerina Blossom's Books - http://zerinablossom.blogspot.com/
- Promo
June 29:
YA Book Divas - http://www.yabookdivas.com
– Review
The Avid Reader - http://the-avidreader.blogspot.com – Promo
Happy Tails and Tales Blog - http://happytailsandtales.blogspot.com – Review
Just Us Book Blog - http://justusbookblog.blogspot.com/ - Promo
La tartaruga si muove - http://latartarugasimuove.blogspot.it – Review
Reading, Writing and What Not - http://pixiescanread.blogspot.com/ - Review
The Avid Reader - http://the-avidreader.blogspot.com – Promo
Happy Tails and Tales Blog - http://happytailsandtales.blogspot.com – Review
Just Us Book Blog - http://justusbookblog.blogspot.com/ - Promo
La tartaruga si muove - http://latartarugasimuove.blogspot.it – Review
Reading, Writing and What Not - http://pixiescanread.blogspot.com/ - Review
The Book Adventures of Annelise Lestrange - www.anneliselestrange.wordpress.com
– Promo
Reading Addict - http://readingadd.blogspot.com/ - Promo
Reading Addict - http://readingadd.blogspot.com/ - Promo
June 30:
POTL: Books, Writing and Inspiring Others - https://princessofthelight.wordpress.com
– Review
I Read Indie - http://twimom101bookblog.blogspot.com/
- Promo
deal sharing aunt - http://www.dealsharingaunt.blogspot.com – Promo
WordishWonderland – www.wordishwonderland.wordpress.com - Promo
deal sharing aunt - http://www.dealsharingaunt.blogspot.com – Promo
WordishWonderland – www.wordishwonderland.wordpress.com - Promo
July 1:
My Crazy Corner - http://mycrazzycorner.blogspot.com/
- Promo
fundinmental - http://www.fundinmental.com – Review
The Page Unbound - http://thepageunbound.com – Promo
deal sharing aunt - http://www.dealsharingaunt.blogspot.com – Promo
Kovescence of the Mind - http://kovescenceofthemind.blogspot.com/ - Review
A New Look On Books – www.anewlookonbooks.wordpress.com - Promo
fundinmental - http://www.fundinmental.com – Review
The Page Unbound - http://thepageunbound.com – Promo
deal sharing aunt - http://www.dealsharingaunt.blogspot.com – Promo
Kovescence of the Mind - http://kovescenceofthemind.blogspot.com/ - Review
A New Look On Books – www.anewlookonbooks.wordpress.com - Promo
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