Friday, June 17, 2016

Review: The Infinite Sea (The 5th Wave #2) by Rick Yancey

My thoughts:
I guess this book was OK. The only part I really enjoyed was the part with Evan and Grace. I really liked her character I wish We would have more of her.
Ringer's POV were boring! OMG the beginning of the book dragged so much, I really wanted to stop reading it.
Then everybody at the hotel I thought they were being stupid, with the exception of Ben , he was the only one that sounded mature enough. I don't know, I would think in a situation like this, that they are hiding for their lives , they would not be making any kind of joke or acting stupid. But they were all so immature.
Now in the part they have to take the bomb out of Megan I really wanted to slap the shit out as Cassie, she was annoying as shit, just do what Evan asked to do and shut the f*ck up with your stupid smart ass comments, take it f*cking seriously.
Cassie was sooooooo immature in this book , I liked her better in The 5th Wave. I could not tolerate her.
Then again at the end we have Ringer's POV. She is described in this book as a bad ass character, but all she has is a bad attitude I don't think she had ever done anything, at least in my view, to be labeled as a very though character. And of course at then end we have the enhanced Ringer, that I kind of liked it.
This book was OK for me, I just gave it a 2 stars because I love Evan and I like his part with G
The 5th Wave was so much better! 

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