Everything about Sev crashes through Kaia’s carefully placed boundaries, traps, and avoidances. Regardless of her lack of interest in the majority of men, the ones that did catch her off guard left a lot of collateral damage. Who better than a soldier to understand that?
The problem is that she trusts him. Just not with her heart.
I was offered the e-book by Alisha Costanzo in exchange for a fair review.
The Good
This is a great adult urban fantasy book to read. There are a lot of different supernatural creatures. It goes on a fast pace and very entertaining , there is always something going on. Sev and Kaia never had a break :) You won't be bored with this book!
The Bad
There was one thing it was missing, the romance. I did not feel there was so much romance going on, I always fall in love with the male main characters, but it did not happen with Sev, because there was not a lot of romance, not a lot of moments to remember. But still was a very good read.
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