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Reflections by Chase Potter Stranger than Stars by J.A. Rock Another Story by Jamie Deacon Howl by Kelley York A Boy Named Khwahish by Dee Aditya Want You Bad by Lynn Michaels Far From Texas by Eric Gober The Right Words by Elinor Gray Class-A by Debbie McGowan Lockdown by Kari Jo Spear Dream Infected by Melissa E Costa Cheese and Pickle by Claire Davis and Al StewartExcerpt
Just as I sat, Mr. Keno hit the lights. Everything went black. It hadn't been so dark in my old school. The blinds over the windows must be heavy enough to be bombproof. Comforting thought. Nobody believed the worn-out phrase "it can't happen here." We all knew it could. "Keep your phones put away," Mr. Keno said. "It's going to be OK." Those would be the last words we'd hear until it was over. An instant later, someone pushed in next to me, between me and the file cabinet. Just my luck. I squished over against the wall as tightly as I could. Even so, our hips touched. It was so dark I couldn't tell anything about the person, except that he or she smelled pleasantly of some herbal shampoo. Since I'd only been in the classroom a few minutes before the lockdown started, I hadn't gotten a chance to really look at my new classmates. I pressed against the wall as if I might become one with it. What I really wanted to do was curl into a ball. I settled for bending low over my legs, crossed at the ankles. I had too much imagination. It did crazy things when I was afraid. I closed my eyes in the darkness and willed myself to be calm, but every nerve was so keyed up that my pounding heart refused to slow down. First thing in the morning was the perfect time for a gunman to attack. Kids would be in their classrooms for attendance, so he could move freely in the halls without people hanging around to either jump him or run. Since the classrooms would be full, the gunman could find victims behind every door. I focused on what I could hear. The fan in the ceiling that I hadn't noticed before became an insistent whir, so loud I couldn't believe I hadn't been aware of it the moment I'd walked into the room. It covered the sounds the kids on the other side of the filing cabinet had to be making—little sounds people couldn't help but make, like scraping a shoe across the floor when they shifted position, or a stifled cough. I listened so hard it hurt. Only the fan. Nothing in the hallway. Surely, if this were a real situation, there would be turmoil somewhere in the building. Unless the administrators were expecting something to happen that hadn't happened yet. I imagined a man prowling the corridors, intent on his destination. Or perhaps he hadn't chosen his victims yet. He might be waiting for something to speak to him, like the tone of a cell phone from behind a door, or the thump of a backpack falling off a chair. It might only take some little thing like that for him to burst in here and… Taken from Lockdown by Kari Jo SpearBuy Links
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The Race for Second by Chase Potter
Choice of backlist title by J.A. Rock
Under the Willow by Kari Jo Spear
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