
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday : Books That Take Place In Another Country

Allyson will pass today from this list because she doesn't have any book in mind at the moment that the story takes place in other countries, so I will be the only one doing the list today.
And  most of the books that I read that take place in other countries are WW2 books. So most of my list will be all WW2 books.
Enjoy it.

There was no doubt that this will be the top of the list!

The Bronze Horseman books by Paullina Simons

 I am obsessed with this series! There are so many emotions in this books you can't even handle them hahaha. I wish everyone would read them.

Wait For Me by Caroline Leech.
This book is about a German prisoner that was sent to Scotland to work in a farm , there he meets the farmer's daughter and of course the love story starts there. And I also love this book so much. I loved Paul!

The Soldier's Wife by Margaret Leroy
 This story takes place in Guernsey, this one I did not quiet get the location very well hahaha. I think it is off the French costs but it belongs to the British. I never heard of it until I read this book.
Anyway Vivianne's husband is out fighting the bad guys, she stayed in the island living with their daughter and mother in law, and of course the nazis invaded the island and a few officers were to live next to Vivianne's house, so she meet Ghunter  , a German Soldier and she started a relationship with him.

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

This one was abvious it would make it to the list! I don't think it needs introduction!

In Farleigh Field by Rhys Bowen

This book surprised me! I really enjoyed it, a good book about spies during WW2 this one took place in England. 

Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys...

This story took place between Lituania and Russia. It is so heart breaking.I remember one night that I was reading it , I made myself some hot chocolate with some cookies and I could not have any because I was feeling guilty that these poor people were freezing and hungry and I was so comfy on my couch with cookies and hot cocoa and a blanket.These poor people suffered so much.

Is it day or Night? by Fern Schumer Chapman
This story takes place between germany and the USA.
Is about a Jewish girl that was sent from Nazy Germany to live in the USA with family that she did not know. It tell you the true events of this little girls, you can look it up on youtube her story

Suit Francaise by NEMIROVSKY IRENE
 This book I haven't read it YET but I am planing on it.  I did watch the movie and I fell in love with it, with Bruno! Such a great love story. Takes place in France, can't remember the name of the town that was invaded by the Nazis.
The author of this book was a Jewish woman living in France, I believe that she was writing this book when she got taken away to Auschwitz  concentration camp where she died. One of her daughters kept the manuscript of this book and a lot of years later she finished the work her mom started.

 Here is the movie trailer:


  1. Nice list. I think In Farleigh Field looks nice. And Scotland is also always a good setting...

  2. This is a very intense list I think -- with a whole heap of authors I don't know too!

  3. Suite Francaisse is one of the best books I've ever read. You need to read that book soon.

    I'm always on the lookout for books from other places. Thank you for your list!

    Here's my list: Books Set in Another Country. I hope you will stop by and take a look.

  4. Great list! I haven't read any but I like the look of them.

    1. I live in Jersey, a sister island to Guernsey in the Channel Islands, where The Soldier's Wife is set.

    2. There is a movie of another book set in that Island that is coming out soon, can not remember the name. It is a very long name haha

  5. I am looking forward to reading In Fairleigh Field soon! It's on my Kindle, waiting.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  6. I also have Suite Francaise but haven't read it so far. And Between Shades of Gray is on my wishlist

    1. Make sure you have tissues when you read between Shades of gray :)

  7. I completely forgot to add Between Shades of Grey to my list but I think it is fabulous and not a setting often used in books.

  8. I didn't even think of the books I've read that are WWII based! Recently I've read a lot of cozy mystery and psychological thrillers and most of them have been based in or around England. Nearly my entire list if filled with Great Britain! Lovely post!

  9. I adore Between Shades of Grey! Amazing book. Great list!

  10. Oh, Outlander definitely made me want to go to Scotland :)

    1. Scotland, Russia ( Leningrad) and Germany are the book places I need to go before I die!

  11. Ooh nice selection! Lots of new to me ones here!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT post!

  12. I loved Between Shades of Grey!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2018/03/27/top-ten-tuesday-152/

  13. I've been eyeing up Wait for Me! :)

    Thanks for visiting my post earlier.

  14. Wait For Me almost made my list too- but then I ran out of room hah. I also really want to read Between Shades of Gray, I have heard so many good things. And wow, you have made me want to read The Bronze Horsemen books, I love books with a lot of emotion, I am going to check them out. Fabulous choices!

    1. You really need to read The Bronze Horseman and it isn't only about the epic love story, it is about what people went thought during WW2 in Leningrad. While I was reading it I wished to have some kind of super power to make me travel into the book and take warm food and blankets and clothes and shoes to the characters to help them suffer less.
      Same with Between Shades of Gray , just make sure you have tissues while you read it.

  15. Other than Outlander and Between Shades of Gray, I haven't heard of these books - thanks for bringing them to my attention! :-)

    1. This is what i like about TTT , we get to know new books, new authors!

  16. Quite a few of these are new to me, which is wonderful because I love WWII books and am always on the lookout for new titles to read. I loved Suite Francaise.

  17. I like the Soldier's Wife and I still want to read Outlander!! nice lists!

  18. Nice list! Most of them are new to be and not my usual genre, but I am curious about Ruta Sepetys' books!

  19. Nice list! I haven't read any of these books but have heard great things about Outlander. But its size intimidate me. I am afraid of big books :(

    My TTT: http://flippingthruthepages.com/2018/03/ten-books-that-take-place-in-another-country/

  20. Oh my gosh, I am swooning SO HARD for this list!! I love books like this and I've added a bunch to my tbr now! I had never heard of The Bronze Horseman series or Wait For Me, but they sound so good!! I also watched the movie Suite Francaise and looooooooved it, but I'm almost scared to read the book because I feel like it's gonna gut me. Lol. Wasn't Between Shades of Gray amazing?? Totally made me cry. UGH. Great list!!

    1. OMG! You need to read The Bronze Horseman!
      Wait for me was super good too!
      I feel terrible every time I think about Between Shades of Gray especially in winter time.

  21. Great list! I know a lot of people who love The Bronze Horseman so I may have to check it out someday. Thanks for stopping by the blog!

  22. I'd never heard the story of how Suite Francaise was written, that's so sad but incredible. The film is on my Netflix queue and it's something I do want to watch sooner rather than later.

  23. REALLY (really) want to read Wait for Me. Alas, I haven't gotten around to picking the pretty up. Hopefully soon. :) Also, a while back I was going to watch the Suit Francaise adaptation, but have kind of forgotten about it. Probably a good thing since I'm not a fan of sad stories.

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland!!

  24. Great list! I haven't read any of these books before but they look interesting, especially Is It Night Or Day.

    Elena @ The Novelistics

  25. I love historical fiction set during WWII so this list is most welcome! Between Shades of Gray is high up on my to read list. I am not familiar with most of the others you list, other than Suit Francaise and Outlander. I hope you have a great week!
