
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Mother's Day Freebie

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
 This week's theme asked us to come up with a Mother's Day freebie list! 

 I really struggled with trying to come up with something, anything that was Mother's Day related. But as I was struggling with this, my Nana's PD nurse called and said I needed to go drive all the way back to Corpus this afternoon and pick up the heparin she forgot to give us yesterday, so I am on a time crunch. So I decided to go with part 4 of my Kdramas I wish could be turned into books! 
Cinderella and the Four Knights
Watch on Dramafever
 This drama would really shine as a New Adult romance novel. It's got a reverse harem, and who doesn't love a good male harem? It's a pretty light and fluffy drama, and while it's technically a love square (love pentagon, if you count the absolutely annoying second female lead) it isn't annoying in the way that it presents the love square. Though, your heart will break for Kang Seo Woo.  

This goes over about as well as you'd think.
 This drama is about a girl, Eun Ha Won, who is in an awful family situation. Her father doesn't believe that he is really her father, her mother died and said father married an awful harpy with an equally awful daughter who live to make Eun Ha Won miserable. One thing leads to another and Eun Ha Won finds herself homeless and posing as the fiance to chaebol Kang Hyun Min. Hyun Min's grandfather realizes the ruse and offers Ha Won a deal. If she can get his grandsons to get along better, he will completely pay for her education and living arrangements. Of course, there is one rule. Absolutely zero romance between her and his grandsons. If you know anything about storytelling, you know there is plenty of romance about to ensue.
Eun Ha Won has no problem resorting to kidnapping to in order to get the grandsons in the same room (or plane) together.

Drunk Jung Il Woo is the cutest. 

Bring it On, Ghost (Let's Fight, Ghost)
Watch on Dramafever and Viki.
If I ever get my wish, and this drama does get made into a novel, I would make one significant change. There would be a way smaller age gap between the two leads. As it is, the age gap completely ruined the romance in this drama. However, even with that romance ruined, it was still a really fun drama to watch. 

It's all brick wall kisses, and thank god for that. Cause even those were a little creepy. 
This one is about a guy who can see ghosts, and the ghost girl that helps him fight them. And the terrifying being that is after the guy who can see ghosts, and will stop at nothing to kill him. It's surprisingly hilarious, and full of suspense and terrifying ghosts. Seriously, don't watch this drama alone at night. It's scary.

Say hello to our adorable ghost fighting side kicks. Yes, they are as socially awkward as you'd imagine. 
Kim So Hyun can be pretty bad ass when she wants to be. Which is all of the time. 
They even have cool ghost fighting outfits. All black suits are so in right now.
I'm kidding. I have no idea what's in.

Shopping King Louie
Watch on Viki, Dramafever, and Hulu.
 This drama is about a a spoiled rich chaebol who gets into an accident and completely loses his memory. A poor girl from the country comes to Seoul looking for her brother, finds the rich chaebol wearing her brother's clothes and takes him in under the assumption that when he gets his memory back, he will be able to tell her what happened to her brother. They are both naive and get into a lot of trouble along the way. 

He is just too adorably cute, even as a pauper. 
It's a seriously cute romance that just leaves you feeling good. It would make a great book, because who doesn't love amnesiac rich guys who completely change your whole life once they remember how rich they are?



Watch on Viki and Dramafever.
 This drama is about a sad and lonely Goblin who has been cursed to an immortal life. He carries a blade in his chest that can only be removed by the Goblin's Bride. Of course, over 900 years have passed and no Goblin's Bride has ever appeared. Enter Ji Eun Tak. When her mother was pregnant with her, she was killed in a hit and run accident. The Goblin heard her pleas to save her child, and came and brought the mother back to life. Ji Eun Tak has been strange ever since she was born. She can see and talk to ghosts, which sets her apart from everyone else. Her life is very sad after her mother passes, she has no friends, her family is the worst and she has to work several jobs just to try and save up money for college. Enter the Goblin. On her birthday, she blows out the candles and discovers that by blowing out a fire, she can summon the Goblin to her at will. Romance and hijinks ensue. And lots and lots of tears. Good god, the tears.

Cause slow motion walking is sexy. 
There is also a pretty hilarious bromance in here between the Grim Reaper that has been trying to retrieve Ji Eun Tak ever since she escaped his list as a baby when the Goblin saved her, and the Goblin himself. Of course, there is lots of drama there, too.

I'd apologize for all of the gifs, but really I'm not sorry :p
Her power to summon him can be a pain when you're fighting and accidentally put out a fire. 

Their bromance is everything. 

You can't help but love them. 

Even when they are feuding. 
Especially when they are feuding.

The Man Living in Our House (Sweet Stranger and Me)
Watch on Viki and Dramafever.
This drama really surprised me by how adorable and heartfelt it was. Hong Na Ri is a flight attendant who recently lost her mother. Her boyfriend of a decade reveals that he has been cheating on her with another flight attendant, and Na Ri decides to go back to her mother's home. When she arrives, she discovers a man there who claims to be her Stepfather, but he is younger than she is and she is skeptical. As was guaranteed from the most this drama started, Na Ri and her "stepfather" develop feelings for each other, while her stepfather tries to protect her and the restaurant that her mother ran. Complicating matters are the thugs that her stepfather used to work for, and the chaebol who is trying to convince her to sell her land. All in all, it's a really cute, sweet story that is certain to give you all the feels. 
First, let me introduce you to Lee Soo Hyuk. Also known as Mr. Never Gets the Girl. Ever. 
There is zero chance of her not seeing him as a man. 

Even her just fixing his tie makes him happy. 

Yeah, I'd have a hard time not seeing him as a man, too. 

My list is all of the books I put on my Mother's Day Wish List. I asked my husband to get everything in the list! I have been in a super reading mood lately for books set in WW2 time.



  1. I did the same thing and told my hubby what book to get me! I hope you got all of them. :)

  2. Oh I've heard great things about Salt to the Sea. I hope you got what you wanted. :)

  3. What a unique list! :-) It was really interesting to read! Thanks for stopping by my blog :-)

  4. Those Kdramas look like a lot of fun, I love the cotton candy on the beach. And Kim So Hyun looks awesome :)

    And yay for The Woman in Cabin 10. I liked that one.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my TTT Allyson! I'm afraid I have no clue what kdramas are or anything about them, sorry! Interesting list though!

  6. I have not watched any K-Dramas, but I feel so aware of them after reading Maurene Goo's book.
    Sam @ WLABB

  7. Interesting. I've never seen (or, honestly, heard of!) kdramas.

    I hope to read Salt to the Sea this year. I picked up a copy at the library conference in April.

  8. I want to read The Woman in Cabin 10. And that drama sounds good, a love pentagon lol.

  9. These all sound interesting! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by My <a href="http://cafinatedreads.com/top-ten-tuesday-10-love-inspired-books-about-motherhood-journeys/>TTT</a>!

  10. I'm gonna check out all these books. I've never read any book set in WW2. So excited. The KDramas sound great. My sisters are crazy with Korean Drama. Awesome list! :)

  11. LOVE Kdramas, I don't watch them regularly, so I just have a basic knowledge, but Cinderella and the Four Nights looks so good!!

  12. Ok, I think I'm going to have to try Bring It On, Ghost! :D

  13. I agree with those kdramas! Okay, I haven't actually watch them but my friend is a huge fan of it and she always talk about it and showing me clips that I feel like I already watch it xD Goblin and Let's Fight Ghost would be such a great books! You should watch Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Jo, it was so cute and funny! I think you'll like it :D

    As for the books, I haven't read them all but both All the Light We Cannot See and Salt to the Sea are on my tbr. I've heard awesome things about them so I can't wait to read it!

  14. Ooh those were awesome gifs! I've never seen a kdrama before though unfortunately. 🙈🙊

    And I've heard SUCH good things about Salt To The Sea!! I hope you get to read it sometime, Mariela! :D

  15. oh, I like the idea of a Mother's Day wish list!

  16. My husband never buys me books... he just takes me to the bookstore and leaves me there. :D

    I love the idea of the kdramas although I've never watched one.

    Here is my TTT. Thanks!

  17. I've heard All the Light We Cannot See is really good, but I've not read it. Hope you enjoy it - and it was part of your mother's day gifts, Mariela.

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Allyson! Your gifs?? They're too cute.

  18. Love the gifs!

    The Woman in Cabin 10 was my first read of 2017, and I absolutely loved it! If you enjoy that one, I highly recommend Distress Signals by Catherine Ryan Howard which I loved even more than The Woman in Cabin 10. I also love WWII era books. Hope you gone what you wanted!

  19. Ah, I recently fell in love with Kdramas and was wondering which one to watch next. I was doubting between Goblin and Cinderella and the Four Knights, and now I have even more amazing sounding shows to add to the list! So.. THANK YOU ;)
    Also, I want to read Salt to the Sea too :)
