
Monday, February 20, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday

 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
Ten Books I Loved Less/More Than I Thought I Would (recently or all time) -- or you could do something like books I liked more/less than everyone else.

I am going to do five books that I liked less than everyone else or did not like it.
Fives books that I liked more that I thought I would/ I loved!

5 books that I likes less than everyone else or that I did not like it.  

Divergent is one that everyone else LOVED it. But I thought it was overrated, I actually stopped reading it. 
When a book gets so much hype I expect it to be super duper epic and then never meets my expectation. That is why, now I read a book a lot later than everyone else, so the hype is over  and that way I hope I would end up liking it.

Red Rising ...  I just could not get into it after reading a few pages so I decided to drop it.
I am planing to pick it up again .

The Grisha Series ... I did liked them, but not as much as everyone else did. I was not crazy about it.
Book one,  Shadow and Bone,  was my favorite, I LOVED this one, and I loved The Darkling and he was in this book all the time. The rest of the books were OK, especially since The Darkling wasn't on them as much. But at least I had Nikolai :)

Elementals... I hated it

World after was a huge, tremendous disappoint!

                        5 Books I liked more than I expected it

                                           The Other Side of the Dark...I LOVED this book!

  The Other Side of the Dark...I LOVED this book!

The Silver Kiss... I super duper loved this book!

Water Rites was really good!

Lucifer was so much fun to read! This is perfect for those Shadowhunters fans!

   Mist on Water... this was the kind of book that I wasn't sure about       it but I still liked it.

                                                                  Bonus books :)

I super Loved Wolfskin! Everyone should read              it, great  fantasy!

        Have You Seen This Girl? was so good! 
   It  surprised  me actually because this books is not the genre 
       I always read.


  1. I haven't read Divergent (and honestly, even though I own a copy, don't know that I will), but will confess to liking the movies. I can't quite put my finger on "why," but I think it's partly because they seem (to me) less "fussy" than most YA stories.

    Glad you visited Finding Wonderland, Mariela - as always, I appreciate you stopping by. :)

    1. I did like Divergent the movie, I do not know why but I did. I need to see the other movies ( I do not know how many of them are out already.)

  2. I haven't read divergent and don't really plan on it, and I really liked Red Rising but I was SO close to putting it down in the first fifty pages. It is worth it if you can get past them.

    1. I did not pass the first 50 pages hahaha . I guess I will keep this on mind when I pick it up.

  3. I'm glad that you enjoyed The Grisha series- there are some books that I liked but didn't love too. Great list! :-)

  4. I thought Divergent was okay, it didn't blow me away but I saw the movie first (backwards I know) so maybe that had something to do with it. But yeah it was just okay.

    1. I did like the movie, it is weird that I did not like the book .

  5. I'm definitely with you on Divergent! I actually find I'm really loving the Grisha trilogy, but I'm only on the first book, so we'll see.

    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

  6. The over-hype often ruins books for me!


    1. It always does it for me . That is why I never read a book that everyone is reading.

  7. Such popular books in your didn't like section! Though I spose that is the nature of this list XD the only one I have done on it is Divergent which I really liked but the third book was total rubbish.

    1. I heard about the third book :P I guess I would be upset too.
      Thanks for stopping.

  8. Argh!! Red Rising!! I would definitely recommend giving this book another try, it's on my top three books of all time! Although I guess it can get a little bloody at some times, so if you're not into that kind of things it might not appeal to you!

    1. I do not mind the bloody stuff. I just thought it was boring in the beginning , but maybe it was not the time to read it. This is one that I definitely will give another try because I really want to like it!

  9. Red Rising is a slow one to get into, but it is so, so worth it! Just take your time with it :)

    The Grisha Series is one where I scratch my head and wonder if I'm totally missing something. That was such a disappointing series for me. I did love the Darkling and Nikolai, but I could have done without Alina and Mac -.-

  10. I liked The Grisha Series initially but by the time I had finished I was definitely out of love with it. I also enjoyed Divergent (wasn't my favorite) but I DNF'd Insurgent so I never ended up finishing the trilogy. I haven't seen any of the ones you loved more than expected before! Will have to check them out. :)

  11. I wasn't as keen on Divergent as other people either!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/02/21/top-ten-tuesday-97/

  12. I did the same thing with Red Rising! And then I tried again and... still nah. I mean, it was okay, but I don't understand the fuss, tbh. I liked Divergent, but then by Allegiant... ugh. NO. And I didn't like World After as much as Angelfall, but End of Days was what really disappointed me- just so BLAH in comparison to the awesomeness of Angelfall.

    1. Angelfall was epic! I need to read End of days but I feel that i won't like it.

  13. I am a total hipster reader, and will just not read books that are super duper popular usually. It's too much pressure to love something that everyone else already loves, and I hate being one of the outliers.

    I haven't read past Angelfall, but I've heard the last book was disappointing. I'm hoping to get back to it this year.
