
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Book Blitz : Fabled by Vanessa K. Eccles

Fabled by Vanessa K. Eccles
Publisher: Bound and Brewed
Young adult fantasy/fairy tale

Rowena thinks the Grimm’s infamous podcasts are simply another teen fad until she finds herself trapped in a land of nightmarish storybook characters. She tries desperately to flee Mezzanine and return home, but Dresdem, Mezzanine’s wicked monarch, plans to use Rowena’s access to her world to bring dark magic and absolute rule into Georgia and beyond.

But when Rowena’s dear friend Madeline falls into Dresdem’s grasp, her battle with him becomes war, and all hopes of home are temporarily thwarted. With the help of an invisible hero, a beast, and an owl, she sets out to free Madeline from a deadening sleep. But Rowena must become her own hero when she finds herself bound by the kingdom’s darkest family. She must make the ultimate choice – align herself with her enemies or live on the run forever.


“Heads or tails?” Lil asked as she opened the door and stood in front of me.
“When are you going to learn that heads always wins?” She snickered and rolled her eyes in amazement of my apparent naivety.
“Not always. Besides, tales are more interesting.”
Not understanding my word play, she shrugged and searched her pockets for a coin.
I leaned into the porch swing, coffee and book in hand, and watched as autumn's first leaves sunsetted the deadening grass. I rested the mug on my knee and let the cool breeze sway me back and forth while I waited.

Trying to ignore my little sister's attempts to aggravate me, I looked down at the fantastical book in my hands and realized how beloved, yet unrealistic it seemed. Most of us lead relatively dull lives and are content but never satisfied. The “happily ever afters” they crammed in our minds as children were merely lies, but I couldn’t help but dream of an adventure like the one I was holding. I wanted my life to be epic. Who was I kidding? Only characters in our favorite stories experienced magical lives. Mine had already been planned out for me − go to college, land a mediocre job, get married, and have 1.8 perfectly groomed, smiling children. That was it. The end.

Links: Amazon | Goodreads | B&N | Smashwords 

Ten Fabled Facts:

1.) Trapped in a world of dark magic, Rowena must learn how to become her own hero. Easier said than done.
2.) In Mezzanine, neither time nor death exist.
3.) Many storybook characters appear, but they’re not as friendly as we remember.
4.) Kidnapping and slavery doesn’t sound like a fairy tale, or does it?
5.) Adelaide Kane would be my pick to play Rowena in a movie.
6.) The Brothers Grimm make an appearance.
7.) Someone becomes possessed, and someone gets married.
8.) Sometimes aligning with your enemies is the only solution.
9.) Betrayal of a sister is the worst of all wounds.
10.) Home isn’t how she left it.

Meet the Author: Vanessa K. Eccles graduated Troy University with a degree in English. She currently serves as executive editor of Belle RĂªve Literary Journal and is founder of the book blog YA-NASisterhood. When she’s not writing or devouring books, she enjoys the lake life with her Prince Charming and their four dogs.

Author Interview:

1.) Where did you get your inspiration for your book?

I studied the Grimms for nearly a year before I started Fabled. I wrote an academic paper “Fairy Tales Revisited: Cause and Effect of Adult Enchantment” and presented it at the PCAS Conference in 2012. Later, I attended a poster session at my university with my paper, “A Grimm History: Nazi Uses and Abuses of Fairy Tales.” It wasn’t until I understood the true purpose of folklore that I realized how pivotal and timeless it is. I hope in some small way to have contributed to the literature with Fabled by not retelling what’s already been told but building on it with new stories and characters.

2.) What is Fabled about in two lines?

Trapped in a world of dark magic, Rowena must learn how to become her own hero. Easier said than done.

3.) If you could invite your favorite literary character to dinner, who would it be and why?

Probably Jacob Grimm from Tom McNeal’s Far Far Away. That’s one of my favorite books of all time. I’ve had a fascination with the Grimms since I spent a year researching them academically. I’d ask him to share all his wisdom and teach me how to tell off bullies in German.

4.) What are you working on now?

I’m currently drafting a young adult southern gothic about an orphan who finds her family in another time, and I’m also working on Book Two of Fabled.

5.) If you could give any advice to writers what would it be?

Live a life worth writing.

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